Sunday, October 27, 2013


I solecism too much.  I just notice I did one in the blog's description.

Please note the irony in this entry.

What to do when bored

When you are bored, think of what interesting people would do. Then disregard most of it and instead contemplate what the saints would do.

One Seventh of the World Just Doesn't Go with the Program

One seventh of the world just doesn't go with the program. In more enlightened times, they could live in monasteries. These days, they can either not be on the Internet or hang out at its few sites of sanity.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

If we don't worship God....

If we don't worship God, we will worship something else, whether it be false idols, money, sex, power, ideologies, or our priorities.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

I Am All Wrong

Both the church and those who are not in church tell me that I am all wrong. I prefer to have the church telling me wrong because it at least is honest enough to admit that all its members are all wrong too.

"I am a sinner!" said the Pope.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

How Can You Not Believe?

How can religious people believe in something, that being God, that doesn't exist?

The person who asked this was a thorough blockhead. He was either incapable or unwilling to answer that question. So I will answer it for him. They believe that God does exist. And they are probably looking at the blockhead and thinking how can you not believe in something that is plain as the nose on your face?


One must do what is right in life without visibly seeming to make a priority of it.