According to AI, On this day, i will have lived an equal number of days in both the 20th and 21st centuries
Or is it February 1, 2035?
AI has given me three different answers.
This blog is a collection of thoughts and observations of Andis Kaulins. Being an anti-blog, it will not allow the posting of comments. Anyone who agrees with what Andis thinks, disagrees with what Andis thinks, or wants to start a correspondence with Andis, is welcome to email Andis at
According to AI, On this day, i will have lived an equal number of days in both the 20th and 21st centuries
Or is it February 1, 2035?
AI has given me three different answers.
I want my writing to appeal to adults, children, morons and degenerates while keeping an ironic that makes an intelligent reactionary smile.
Channeling Nicolás Gómez Davila!!
On one of my favorite blogs, I came upon the Corporate BS generator.
It’s great. What pleases me most is that in its list of words, there is nothing beginning with the letter “K”.
I mock!
No proscriptions against mocking in the Bible are there?
(Suddenly recalling the Ten Commandments.)
Ah. Never mind…
In all seriousness, if Kamala Harris is the best the system can produce, then it is perfectly reasonable to think that what lies ahead is something worse. How far are we from having a block of wood at the top of the ticket? If we can be made to pretend that biology does not exist, we can be made to believe an inanimate object is the best choice to lead the government. It sounds ridiculous, but the current president is a vegetable and his handpicked replacement is day-drinking prostitute.
Simone Weil, “There is a class of people in this world who have fallen into the lowest degree of humiliation, far below beggary, and who are deprived not only of all social consideration but also, in everybody’s opinion, of the specific human dignity, reason itself—and these are the only people who, in fact, are able to tell the truth. All the others lie.”
I found the quote here:
When Chuck Norris goes to KFC, he is served: Braised French Onion Chicken with Gruyère, Chicken Cordon-Bleu, Chicken Jardinière, and Coq au Vin.
We don’t line in a sane universe.
Many of the Dem voters are so irrational that the Democrats could have a Hitler and Idi Amin ticket. The voters would rationalize voting for it by saying they aren’t Trump and Vance is weird.
It’s the most preposterous thing I’ve ever seen since the Obama candidacy and the Trump candidacy and the Biden candidacy.
it certainly seems like the West is now governed by emotion and symbolism, rather than practical considerations. The Kamala Harris campaign can be boiled down to a promise of feel goods. The entire production is a collection of symbolic shapes and sounds to transmit the simple idea that it feels good or that the alternative will make you feel bad. To his credit, Trump is offering tangible things that have some connection to practical reality.
Our ambition, I declare, is to be Useless Men — as Christ was, in every sense, Useless.
The second book I was in the midst or reading online. It has an absolutely great cover.
The third book is the best poetry anthology one can get,
New movies and television shows are, at best, technically superior, but creatively inferior, remakes of past works. The traditional arts, like painting and sculpture, have been made ridiculous in an attempt to find novelty rather than genuine cultural expression. The creative side of Western culture has reached a nadir as technology has reached its zenith.
Raymond had me drive him to Curran Park, or at least what used to be called Curran Park. Now it’s called Turtle something. The place has Brandon’s only lake for swimming. I had been to that place once before. Ray said he hadn’t been in fifty years. He was going camping there with friends he told me.
Below is a view from the parking lot:
Tony & I visited my father’s (his grandfather’s) gravestone one last time on this trip to Canada,
I don’t like my slouch in the photo above. Ugh!
Only reusable and paper in Manitoba.
There are plastic garbage bags.
How I could use a plastic shopping bag for my dirty clothes!
I’ve been hearing and reading those two words a lot the past few days. It betrays the bias of the users of the term. It is supposed to summon images of spooky and kooky people in the ears of the listener or reader.
Is there such a thing as a near right?
Is there such a thing as a far left?
Is there even such a thing as the far right?
A Friday morning view of Mom’s backyard.
Tomorrow, we drive to Winnipeg.
Very early Sunday, we catch a flight to Vancouver.
Then, I’ll buy some CR at the duty free.
Finally, fly to China.
Actually, I drove the rental to the Manitoba Liquor Control Store near the Brandon Canadian Tire and the Brandon Crmerery.
Manitoba has Liquor Communism whereas Communist China does not. You can buy beer in grocery stores and convenience stores in China; not in Manitoba.
When I said this to some Manitobans, one of them defended the government control of liquor on the grounds that there was riff-raff in Manitoba that would go crazy. I didn’t see any social problems caused by having liquor more freely available in China, I replied. I was then told that this was because the government was Communist Dictators.
To enter the MLCC store, I had to show ID to a clerk sitting behind a glass window. He buzzed me into the store. He told me that the MLCC had been doing this for two years because of theft problems. The theft I had been told by others was like that I heard of taking place in California. With staff not being allowed to confront the thieves, individuals with back packs or gangs were entering the stores and taking as much as they could carry. Some would scream at them.
The store I went to in Brandon had a good selection, was tidy and had friendly staff. I was annoyed however that I couldn’t buy a single can of Sleeman’s Honey Lager.
Are Manitobans not civilized enough to not have a MLCC?
Later, I wax at the Brandon Walmart and heard a few people using expletives.