Monday, December 30, 2024

I like this new religion


It is based on drinking beer, listening to loud rock and evading taxes.  All of its tenets I agree with.

I like the preacher’s use of the phrase “aligns with your bullshit.” I will add to my lexicon of phrases and he has some other ones too.  Watch the video.  It’s hilar!

Friday, December 27, 2024

Doge Coin or Xiao Mei Coin




Simone Weil: Pense #1

 When we are disappointed by a pleasure which we have been expecting and which comes, the disappointment is because we were expecting the future. And as soon as it is there, it is the present. We want the future to be there without ceasing to be future. This is an absurdity of which eternity alone is the cure.

NGD #31: silent allegiances

 Cuando nada merece respeto en la sociedad debemos labrarnos en la soledad nuevas lealtades silenciosas. 

When nothing is worthy of our respect in society, we must carve out for ourselves new silent allegiances in solitude.

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

NGD #30

  • El católico debe simplificar su vida y complicar su pensamiento.
  • A Catholic should simplify his life and complicate his thought.

Jiangyin Flying Saucer Photos


Friday, December 13, 2024

David Warren #22

 One of the most encouraging aspects of contemporary life is the sudden drop in university enrolments. This is unambiguously an improvement in human affairs, at least in the United States.

How is Justin Trudeau perceived of in China

 In my little burg of China, it seems that they pay him no never mind.  I show pictures of Trudeau to my high school and most don’t recognize him.  I showed them a recent photo of him with Trump, and they all recognized Trump.

The only other evidence I have of the Chinese perception of him are these un complimentary videos I have seen of him on my Chinese social media feed which show him to be very feminine and weird.

NGD #25


Thursday, December 5, 2024

Facts not Criticsl Thinking Skills

 Heather McDonald on a podcast said that school should be cramming facts down students heads and not trying to teach them critical thinking.  On the basis of this critical thinking teaching being a recent education innovation, I would have to agree.  These courses that teach Critical Thinking are as dull as dishwasher to teach, even if the students English level was adequate enough to understand the course material.

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Simone Weil

 Reading Milosz, I saw that he had encountered the writings of Simone Weil and was impressed by her. So, I found a copy of Gravity & Grace and added to my currently reading file on my books app.  

I also found some podcasts about her on my Podbean app.  The podcasts were disappointing.  One was done out of San Francisco.  When I heard this, I wanted to give up on the episode right away.  But it was a short one so I gave it a listen.  It was done in a PBS style and was about as annoying as you could imagine.  It said that despite her Christianity….  Another podcast had some academic philosophers, or rather people with philosophy degrees working in a university, who had affected verbose manner of speaking.  They didn’t like the Priest Father Perrin who they labeled as a right wing Catholic.  No mention of Weil’s liking the poem Love by George Herbert.

Evelyn Waugh didn’t much care for Weil.  He said that she was a clever girl but…. My favorite blogger David Warren, however. has blogged about her in a more admiring way.

I find her story fascinating.  I wonder if a movie has ever been done about her.

Thoughts on Thursday

Thursday is the day after Hump Day.  It is better than Wednesday if you believe in the concept of Hump Day so why doesn’t it have an even more affectionate nickname?  And what nickname would you give it?  Is there a part of some  animal’s anatomy it resembles?  And what do you call the bit between the top of the slope and the bottom?  Or do you have to dump the concept of the work day being a symmetrical hill and coin a nickname for Thursday based on a different shape for the week?  Could the week be shaped even more symmetrically with the crest or peak on the Thursday?  Thursday could then be affectionately and lovingly called Peakday or Crestday.

Monday, December 2, 2024

Mother Angelica #1

 “There is no other. Only Jesus is Savior. Only Jesus is the Messiah. Only Jesus is Lord. Only Jesus prepares a place for us in eternity.”

AKIC & MAGA Dancing


Friday, November 29, 2024

What the world is ruled by

 From the Z-man:

His entire life has been about sitting in a room somewhere imagining what life is like outside that room.

My Medal of the Immaculate Conception


The Z Man on Star Trek

“That was the beauty of the original series, something I came to appreciate as I got older, and that is it was a show about a group of men, adventuring through life, not as solo acts but as part of a brotherhood. If you are lucky as a man, you go on your journey with a group of mates, losing and adding some along the way. The ones you lose will be waiting for you on the other side. The ones you add will carry you there. “

I can see from this entry that I have been very unlucky in life.  I can’t say as I have really ever been part of a brotherhood.  My journey in life has always been solo.  

Perhaps, this explains my restlessness at social gatherings.  There is no brotherhood for me.  My journey lacks mates.

Yes Johnny Rotten!


Friday, November 15, 2024

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Drove My Car: a Poem

I drove my car

physically far.

I saw many a thing,

but I couldn’t sing.

If I want to be poetic,

I’d best be ambulatic.

Nothing can be felt,

strapped to a seated belt.

Saturday, November 9, 2024

$1000000000000000000000000000000000 Blog

 My blog should be worth a decillion dollars!

Trump Fan Boy? Moi?

 I have been posting comments on some negative reaction posts I have seen on WeChat and X.  Negative posts about Trump’s election victory, that is.  

Some have responded by calling me a Trump Fan Boy.  I’ll wear the label proudly.  It beats the heck out of being say a Whitr Dude for Harris or someone claiming to be above it all while not being able to shed their TDS.  

The only acceptable negative views that one could have about Trump could be those say of Anne Coulter or John Derbyshire who suffer from Trump Disappointment Syndrome.  They were truly able to say what Trump’s weaknesses were without all the Facist Hitler felon rapist nonsense.  

Kamala only won states that didn’t have voter ID laws!

Trump may even have won California.

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

A Victory Poem

 There was the candidate Trump 

Because his country was a dump.

He ran against a Camel 

Whose only skill was to hump.

The camel’s fans were blind

that she had put them in a bind.

They even found greatness to 

be grating and degrading.



Monday, November 4, 2024


 Who’s more universal?  Trumpers or anti-Trumpers?  Of course, I’ll say Trumpers.  I’ll explain why.

Anti-Trumpers want a diversity that is centrally controlled.  Diversity within cultures so that all cultures are the same and full of conflict.

Trumpers want a diversity of cultures.  These cultures are locally determined.  These cultures are different from each other.  They interact of course but they don’t annoy each other. Diversity is universal and but shouldn’t be localized.

David Warren #21

 There is no point in commenting on the election. Nothing we do, or that anyone does, on our modest scale, can have an effect on “events.” It is all between cosmic forces of good and evil, and will be expressed in fresh human suffering. That is what politics can accomplish, in the Satanic strategy. Nor can the “misinformation” (or, lying) be overcome. I think the best way to understand the human dimension of this is in the Republican slogan: “No matter how much you hate the media, it’s not enough.”

Saturday, November 2, 2024

David Warren #20

 I have written myself about this flip side of arrogance and wilful ignorance: that we not only claim to know what we don’t know, we also claim not to know what we do know, in this world around us. 

Friday, November 1, 2024

Good Girl!

 That’s Meghan Murphy, BTW.  Ten years ago, I would have ignored her. Now, thanks to Trump, we are converging.  Trump is the most significant political figure of this century.

The Genius of Trump

 Trump is a practical and public-spirited man who’s non-ideological and  a great judge of human character.  TDSers seem reluctant to recognize his talent and genius.  It’s what makes them so pathetic,

Women should not be in governance

Women should not be in positions of societal governance.  It’s not where the genius of their sex lies.  A country is not a household with a husband they can badger, 

Saturday, October 26, 2024

I’ve been blocked on WeChat


The bottom photo was an experiment I did.  My other WeChat account  blocked me and then unblocked me.  The other two photos, the above photos, were of accounts that blocked me.  Why?  Might be something to do with the election.  I have been criticizing Harris on WeChat moments.  It could also be because I’m an ice hole., and my supporting Trump is proof of my being an ice hole.🕳️ 

David Warren #19

 Even in the circumstance of life and death – while the bullets are flying, for instance – the instruction, “Fight, fight, fight” is Saint Michael the Archangel’s badass motto. It does not require any violence; it is at best a reaction to it; nor is it “pacifist.” It is so perfectly badass.

Trump is his own worst enemy?

 I had heard over the years since 2016 and very much recently from left-leaning people that Trump is his own worst enemy.  The honest ones will admit the short comings of their side and their candidates, and say that Trump is right about a lot of stuff, but Trump would get more support if he wasn’t Trump who is boorish and maladroit.

Well, Trump got elected, Trump had an election stolen from him, Trump has been lied about repeatedly, Trump has things he said taken out of context, Trump has almost been murdered twice, Trump has been the victim of malicious prosecution, and many of Trump’s enemies are lunatics or power seekers.  Trump’s worst enemy is human weakness and evil.  His flaws pale in comparison.

Friday, October 25, 2024

Will the Cleveland Indians ever win the World Series again?

 If you insist on calling the Cleveland Indians anything other then that name, you should be given your own special level in hell.

The impulse to change the Indians’ name was the result of a stupidity so blind that it had to be willful and thus evil.  (I recall reading that one of the reasons cited for changing the nickname was the so-called racist murder and martyrdom of the low-life criminal George Floyd)

While it is a false hope for a reactionary to bring back past conditions on a wide societal scale, it is not too much for one to hope for some simple restorations like the renaming of the Indians as the Indians.  Till then, the Cleveland baseball team should be cursed and rejected by the community of true baseball fans.

Barbaric Baseball Language

 When did the use of ‘walk-off’for game-ending home run or hit(?) become wide-spread?  Baseball never used to be so undignified and barbaric in its jargon.

There’s this vibe I’m getting that..

 Trump can win this, and win this big.

It seems logical enough that this is so.  Harris is a unique bad candidate.  She’s is inarticulate and inept.  Her campaign is obviously coming shrill and desperate.

And yet, they have no shame.  It is an absolute certainty that they’ll try to steal it. They being the blob slash swamp slash uniparty.

I left my key here for the cleaning lady to pick up




Thursday, October 24, 2024

David Warren #18

 We need to totally exterminate socialism on its grand national, indeed international, scale. But capitalism should be demolished creatively instead. A huge multiplication of (scandalously independent) local governments, laws, customs, conventions, and rituals, is what I count on to drive the capitalists away.

If you count the letters, you come to this surprising conclusion

 Males are two-thirds female which means females are 150 percent male..

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Channeling NGD in an AKICDV


David Warren #17

  …we would all benefit if at least 95 percent of the government were permanently closed. Even the bureaucrats would benefit, as I did, from being stripped of their jobs and income.

Sunday, October 20, 2024

Older Sibling

 Older sibling that never was;
Stillborn, I was told only twice.

Often I don’t of think of you.

But now, I have these questions:

Would you have been a boy?

Would you have been a girl?

Would you have been my guide?

Could you have saved me from myself?

Alas, I have only my life as evidence.

I took up your position, your mantle.

What did I do with it? Not much.

Perhaps having the same blood,

you would have been the same:

feckless, indecisive, weak, morose.

So the real question is this:

will we meet in heaven or in hell?

Cheesy Entry


Saturday, October 19, 2024