Thursday, October 17, 2024


 They said in the above podcast that Megalopolis was bad, but they suckered me into spending time watching it by saying it had a potentially Randian Right Wing vibe to it.  The movie was simply epically bad and a waste of the huge amount of money spent on it.  I couldn’t see what its philosophical message was and couldn’t follow its plot.

None of the characters or performances were memorable which made its story a muddle.  Was the Adam Driver character supposed to be a genius?  He seemed more like a Kamala Harris way in over her head.  The black Mayor was supposed to be his rival, politically and philosophically?  The mayor couldn’t control his midget wife and mix-raced daughter.  There was a character who looked like Trump but you couldn’t determine what his status was in the picture.  The actors playing the children of the power figures looked to be in an expensive high school student play.  There was the chauffeur played by Laurence Fishburne who would go into sonorous documentary voice every once in a while.  Again, his role was incoherent.  Dustin Hoffman was in the movie and he played a cynical tough line who made an observation that someone had a big cock.  It was embarrassingly badly delivered.  The two women who were the love interests of Driver were not very voluptuous.  The actresses playing them would not have survived a screen test in Hollywood’s golden age.  But better performances probably couldn’t have saved this movie.

The Driver character was quoting Shakespeare badly and making philosophical pronouncements that were hardly profound.  What was this film’s specific philosophy?  American Liberal pablum it would seem.  Humans having a good future, and Hitler and Fascists were bad.

Besides the philosophy, the film presented other elements badly.  The Roman elements with characters having Roman names and vaguely Roman garb was cosplay gone bad.  The super building material that the Driver character invented, megallon, was never fully presented.  I had no idea what megallon  was and it really did nothing to advance the story’s plot.

But then the plot was the film’s major weakness.  When the film finally came to an end, I had no idea what the characters had been struggling about.  I watched every scene in the film wondering what was the point.

I suppose there is no way, I continue trying to mskr a coherent review of this jumbled-up movie. I’ll list some other things that made the movie awful or were awful in random order:

— The assassination scene.  Yes, there was an assassination in the film.  I knew the kid was going to shot Driver.  It seemed obligatory.  Driver’s no-no-no-no later about it was badly delivered.

— Hitler and Mussolini footage at the end of the film.  Why?

— The Driver character could stop time and then he couldn’t until he could again.  What was the point?

— There was a brief scandal about a girl pretending to be a 16 year old vestal virgin when she was really 23.  What was the point ?

— There was a chariot race.  A lame chariot race.

In conclusion, this movie was so bad, I wouldn’t recommend it to Harris, Walz, Biden, Mayor Pete, Hilary, or Gavin Newsome, or Hitler to watch.

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